Welcome To your Whole Food Cleanse
Welcome to your 7-day Whole Food Cleanse!
On your First day I would like you to carefully read the Guidebook as it will be very vital for your cleanse.
Just click the button below to download your Guidebook.
Please Note that if you want to make your own Copy
Just Click File and make a copy and then your good to go
You must also answer your Journal right before starting your cleanse. This is very important as this allows us to keep track if we are successful with your cleanse. You also need to write down on the journal what you felt everyday while cleansing . So we can easily track the changes to your body.
After answering the questions in your journal, you can proceed by shopping this grocery list. This is for your food this week.
For Your Meal Plans & Recipes you can access them here.
Click this link and provide us with your Contact Details
to book your 1on1 consultation. Leave your Phone and Name and write 7 Day Whole Food in the message box.
Order Your Detox Supplements
You can see all of your files in here
Please note you have to make a copy and save it to your own google account
Daily Protocol
Upon Rising
Stretch, sigh, deep breathing, Replenish yourself
Hydrate with purified water with juice of ½ lemon
Drink the lemon and olive oil cocktail (1 tablespoon of organic extra virgin olive oil and half a squeezed lemon)
Dry brush or hot towel scrub
Exercise in whatever way that feels appropriate
Take a probiotic and Vitamin C or Ester C
Green tea (limit two cups per day, if caffeinated)
Breakfast option of your choice
Hydrate with purified water with juice of ½ lemon
Take a standing forward bend break if at work
Smoothie or snack of your choice
Lunch option of your choice
Optional: detox tea
Smoothie or snack of your choice
Detox tea
Before Dinner
Hydrate with purified water with juice of ½ lemon
Dinner (remember no nightshades or corn)
Dinner option of your choice
Before Bed
Toxin Eliminator Bath
Castor oil pack*
Take 2 tbsp. ground flax or chia seeds in 6 oz. water to help stimulate morning elimination. (Only recommended if you are experiencing constipation.)
Gratitude – for 2 minutes, name all the things you are grateful for
Journal about your energy level/notes
*Note: castor oil packs aren't recommended if you are menstruating, pregnant, or trying to conceive.
Lemonade Fast
Lemonade/Limeade Fast – Good for the following:
Blood sugar imbalances (not diabetes)
Skin problems
Total internal cleansing/colon
Optional Lemonade Cleanse
This fast can be quite profound. This is totally safe to do as long as you follow the instructions. The only contraindications would be pregnancy, breastfeeding, and diabetes. I suggest doing at least 3 days, but no longer than 10 days.
Shopping list for Lemonade Fast:
Lemons (or limes)
Cayenne pepper
Grade B maple syrup
Filtered or purified water
Optional: Herbal laxative tea with senna and/or cascara in it
Use organic ingredients whenever possible.
How to make your lemonade drink:
FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (organic, if possible)
Genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)
Cayenne pepper
Spring or filtered water
To make a 10 ounce glass:
2 tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice (absolutely no canned or frozen juice)
2 tablespoons grade B or C maple syrup (Don’t use Grade A maple syrup or maple- flavored syrup. They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly refined sugars and lack essential minerals.)
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Use fresh lemons or limes only, never canned or frozen juice (use organic and vine ripened when possible). Do not use Meyer lemons because they are a hybrid lemon (a cross between lemons and tangerines). Also, mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking. You can, however, squeeze your lemons in the morning and use them as needed throughout the day.
You must take a sip of the lemonade at least every 15 minutes while awake! This is very important to keep your blood sugar stable. Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure you drink at least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses per day. Eat no other food during this cleanse, but do be sure to drink plenty of purified water or herbal tea in addition to the limeade drink. The limeade contains all the vitamins and minerals you will need during the cleanse.
Going off the Lemonade Fast
Your body is not used to having solid food in it, so start with very simple foods that are easy to digest, such as a protein shake or some lightly steamed veggies, salad, green smoothie, or veggie juice.
Helpful cleanse information during the Lemonade Fast:
During the lemonade fast, stop taking all supplements.
During this fast, it is best to avoid strenuous exercise. Restorative yoga, walking, and light activity are great methods of exercises during this cleanse. If you decide to do any sort of exercise, be sure to have your lemonade/limeade drink handy.
Listen to your body. If you feel like resting, rest. If you feel like taking a nap, nap.