Did you know…
1. Insulin Excess
2. Toxic Estrogen
3. Low thyroid
4. Low serotonin
5. Excess Cortisol
Are the most common Hormonal Imbalances?
Under situations of chronic stress—whether the stress is physical, emotional, mental, environmental, real or imagined—our body releases high amounts of the hormone cortisol. If you suffer from a mood disorder such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder or exhaustion, or if you have a digestive issue such as irritable bowel syndrome, you can bet your body is cranking up your cortisol. Through a complicated network of hormonal interactions, prolonged stress results in a raging appetite, metabolic decline, belly fat and a loss of hard-won, metabolically active muscle tissue. In other words, chronic stress makes us soft, flabby and much older than we truly are!
Do you suffer from?
Wrinkling, thinning skin or skin has lost its fullness
Hair loss
Infertility or absent menses (unrelated to menopause)
Feeling wired at night
Heart palpitations
Loss of muscle tone in arms and legs
Cold hands or feet
Water retention in face/puffiness
Poor memory or concentration
Loss of libido
Depression, anxiety, irritability or seasonal affective disorder
High alcohol consumption
Frequent colds and flus
Hives, bronchitis, allergies (food or environmental), asthma or autoimmune disease
Fat gain around “love handles” or abdomen
A “buffalo hump” of fat on back of neck/upper back
Difficulty building or maintaining muscle
Loss of bone density or osteoporosis
Cravings for sweets or carbs, hypoglycemia or constant hunger
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep (especially waking between 2 and 4 a.m.)
Less than 7.5 hours of sleep per night
Irritable bowel or frequent gas and bloating
Use of corticosteroids
(Warning score: > 8)
A high score for excess cortisol in your Hormonal Health Profile suggests stress is negatively affecting your metabolism and your health. Unlike adrenalin, which draws on your fat stores for energy during stressful situations, cortisol consumes your metabolically active muscle tissue for fuel. Prolonged stress can, therefore, lead to muscle wasting and high blood sugar simply because your body is struggling to adapt. When these conditions take over, stress becomes extremely destructive to your metabolism, body composition and wellness. Cortisol also depresses your metabolic rate by blocking your thyroid hormone, fuels your desire for fatty foods and carbohydrates and boosts abdominal fat storage.
Life doesn’t need to be this way!! At Higher Health, we can help restore your hormone balance.
Call Maria on 0438 112 050 to book your appointment today. Bookings by appointment only.
I hope you have enjoyed the last of my 5-part hormone series. Please comment below for any other topics you may be interested in me discussing – I would love to hear your feedback X