Feel like your energy levels are too low and everyday tasks are becoming a marathon you didn't sign up for, then fatigue may be your culprit.
How do you know if you have fatigue?

Chronic Tiredness
Sore Muscles
Low Motivation
Lack of Concentration
Slow Reflexes
Short Term memory problems
Lack of appetite
If only having a couple of nights extra long sleep would fix these common symptoms. But due to our beautifully complex bodies, it must be repaired at a much deeper level. Other factors including stress, inflammation, nutrition, thyroid dysfunction and a mitochondria imbalance may be the root of the cause.
Don't be alarmed if you have more or all of the symptoms listed above, our “fix your fatigue” programme is designed to provide rapid symptom relief using Nutrition, gut health and detox to support you while we treat the underlying driver.
With guidance from Higher Health we will:
Diagnose the core drivers of your Fatigue
Reduce Inflammation
Provide the necessary nutrition advise to keep you free of fatigue
Focusing first on your Mitochondria function which is the batteries to your cells, we will reboot them, providing you with an energy boost so you can start to conquer each day.
Don't ignore your body's warning signs, like that peculiar sound coming from your car, it's only going to get worse over time.
For answers today simply call Maria on 0438 112 050
Or follow the link below to take a quick quiz.
Yours in health,