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Insulin Excess... Is it a problem for you?!

Did you know…

  1. Insulin Excess

  2. Toxic Estrogen

  3. Low thyroid

  4. Low serotonin

  5. Excess Cortisol

Are the most common Hormonal Imbalances?

Insulin Excess: Insulin is an essential substance whose main function is to process sugar in the bloodstream and carry it into cells to be used as fuel or stored as fat. There are several reasons for excess insulin, but the main culprits are: stress, consuming too much nutrient-poor carbohydrate—the type found in processed foods, sugary drinks and sodas, packaged low-fat foods, artificial sweeteners—insufficient protein intake, inadequate fat intake and deficient fibre consumption. Heart palpitations, sweating, poor concentration, weakness, anxiety, fogginess, fatigue, irritability or impaired thinking are common short-term side effects of high insulin. Unfortunately our body typically responds to these unpleasant feelings by making us think we’re hungry, which in turn causes us to reach for more high-sugar foods and drinks. We then end up in a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalance, a condition called insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, which only furthers weight gain and our risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Do you suffer from?

Age spots and wrinkling

Sagging skin


Skin tags

Acanthosis nigricans (a skin condition characterized by light brown to black patches or markings on the neck or underarm)

Abnormal hair growth on face, chin (women)

Vision changes or cataracts

Infertility or irregular menses

Shrinking or sagging breasts

Menopause (women); andropause or erectile dysfunction (men)

Heart disease

High cholesterol, high triglycerides or high blood pressure

Burning feet at night (especially while in bed)

Water retention in the face/puffiness


Poor memory, concentration, or Alzheimer’s disease

Fat gain around “love handles” and/or abdomen

Fat over the triceps

Generalized overweight/weight gain/obesity

Hypoglycemia; craving for sweets, carbohydrates, or constant hunger or increased appetite

Fatigue after eating (especially carbohydrates)

Fatty liver (diagnosed by your doctor)

Diabetes (type 2)

Sleep disruption or deprivation

TOTAL (Warning score: > 9)

A high score for Hormone Imbalance 1 indicates excess insulin (or insulin resistance) is a factor that could be interfering with your weight-loss goals. Although insulin plays an essential role in healthy body function, an excess of it will certainly make you fat. Too much insulin not only encourages your body to store unused glucose as fat, but also blocks the use of stored fat as an energy source. For these reasons, an abnormally high insulin level makes losing fat, especially around the abdomen, next to impossible.

Life doesn’t need to be this way!! At Higher Health, we can help restore your hormone balance. Call Maria on 0438 112 050 to book your appointment today. Bookings by appointment only.

Stayed tuned to find out more about Toxic Estrogen, Low Thyroid, Low Serotin and Excess Cortisoland if these hormone imbalances are an issue for you.

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