Daily living causes much stress, which is not easy on the adrenal glands.
The adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are the triangle-shaped endocrine glands that sit atop the kidneys.
They are chiefly responsible for regulating the stress response through the synthesis of corticosteroids like cortisol and catecholamines like adrenaline.
When the adrenals are tired, the body may experience a number of different symptoms.
This can lead to dysfunction in many areas of the body, as it disrupts the function of the entire endocrine system.
The most common symptoms caused by tired or worn-out glands are:

Tired but wired feeling
Poor sleep
Dark circles around the eyes
Cravings for salt, sweets, and carbs
Excessive sweating or perspiration from little activity
Cystic Breast
Low Stamina for stress
Easily irritated
Low Blood Pressure
Negative Response To Thyroid hormone
Chronic Infections (bacterial, viral, fungal yeast)
Muscle twitches
Light-headedness upon standing up

Sensitivity to light or difficulty seeing at night
Premature Aging
Tendency to startle easily
Heart palpitations
Excessive mood responses after eating carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, and, sugar.
Low blood sugar
Intolerance to alcohol
Lack of Libido
Lower back pain and/ or knee weakness or pain, especially on the side
Dry, unhealthy skin with excess pigmentation
Adrenal Glands are extremely important to a healthy immune system.
Adrenal Glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions.
Adrenal Glands are necessary for proper thyroid function. Your thyroid has an important job to do within your body — releasing and controlling thyroid hormones that control metabolism.
So as you have read, yes Adrenal Health is a very common link to fatigue and an important place to investigate as to if you actually have Adrenal fatigue and we can help you with this diagnosis.
In saying that read on to learn of the many other reasons and risk factors for fatigue
Want HELP with Fatigue Now?
Receive the support you need when trying to fix your fatigue
If you are struggling with fatigue and want individualised support
Click here to schedule a time to have a free no obligations chat with me to talk about your struggles and what you may be needed to help you boost your energy and feel well again.
I myself struggled with chronic tiredness and Depression for many years and for me it was many factors that had all piled up, it is very rarely just one thing.
If I can do it so can you, you just need help, do not go it alone, I know what it takes to get healthy again and can help you. I have created
"The Fixing Your Fatigue Program" to help you feel better fast x
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Get some sleep. You must rest if you're going to help your adrenals get stronger. That means having a regular sleep schedule and getting eight hours of sleep a night. Make this a priority and stick with it. Your Adrenals need their beauty sleep!
Eliminate sugar and processed carbs. Sugar and simple carbs (junk!) put stress on the adrenals. Adrenal Glands help to regulate blood sugar levels.
Curb the coffee habit and drink plenty of fresh filtered water every day.
Health Experts recommend balancing protein, healthy fats, and high-quality, nutrient-dense carbohydrates.
Increase your vegetable intake to get the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
Also, include foods high in vitamin C, B vitamins (especially B-5 and B-6), and magnesium to help support healthy adrenal glands.
Learn about "The Fixing Your Fatigue program"
Why Am I So Tired?
There are many reasons that you can become fatigued. These can range from simple nutritional deficiencies or lack of sleep to problems with cellular energy production or an ongoing inappropriate response to stress. Other causes of fatigue not to be overlooked are Infections, heavy metals, hormone imbalances, Gene defects, toxicity, and in order to help you we need to find out your underlying causes and why you are so tired.
What are some of the underlying causes of fatigue?
1. Stress
2. Poor sleep
3. Dehydration
4. Blood Glucose Disturbances
5. Hormonal Disruptions
6. Lowered Immunity
7. Mood Disturbances
8. Oxidative Stress
9. Inflammation and its causes
10. Our Genes
11. Digestive health
By examining your case in detail and utilising pathology testing as required , This program can help you to uncover and address the underlying causes of your fatigue
What is the Fixing Your Fatigue Program
This program is a combination of one to one consultations with Maria Lucey, Nutritionist at Higher Health Wellness Centre and includes the 21 Day whole food online program for your complete meal plans, including shopping lists and recipes so this takes the stress out of the food part, you will also receive an extremely valuable individualised 3-month protocol, plus 3 - monthly consultations and regular check-ins and support via email and text.
The Fixing Your Fatigue program will help you :
1. Provide you with recommendations on the core nutrients required to support cellular energy production
2. Recommend and organise testing to Identify and address underlying causes of fatigue.
3. Provide Dietary and Lifestyle advise and guidance to help restore and maximise your energy levels; (This includes our online program The 21- Day Whole food cleanse ) check it out below
4. Help you to implement strategies to use your energy and stay motivated
Included in The Fixing your fatigue program
Eat Real, Clean, and Whole Food - Try Our
21 - Day Whole Food Cleanse!

This simple cleanse is designed to help you revolutionise the way you think about food, and reshape your health and body from the inside out!
I want to show you how to throw out the fad diets that plague our society and teach you a simple system that really WORKS.
Check out our whole food cleanse here
Want HELP with Fatigue Now!
Receive the support you need when trying to fix your fatigue
If you are struggling with fatigue and want individualised support
Click here to schedule a time to have a free no obligations chat with me to talk about your struggles and what you may be needed to help you boost your energy and feel well again.
I myself struggled with chronic tiredness and Depression for many years and for me it was many factors that had all piled up, it is very rarely just one thing.
If I can do it so can you, you just need help, do not go it alone, I know what it takes to get healthy again, regain energy and I can help you do the same.
I have created "The Fix Your Fatigue Program"
to help you feel better fast x
Book The Fixing Your Fatigue Program

The Fixing your Fatigue Program Include:
Total of $975
Book Now and Get a 60% discount Limited places and time - Only for the month of October 2021 (Save Up $585)
For more information please email us at: support@higherhealth.com.au