Is Your Body Craving More of This Essential Mineral?
Take magnesium, for example. Since most of the magnesium in our bodies is found inside cells or in our bones, a simple blood test won’t tell

5 Important things I started doing to reverse my Chronic Tiredness and Depression
Pay attention to your symptoms - your water and parasites may be causing them - making you feel sick and tired and depressed. my two...

Top 10 Reasons to Detox
Hi Everyone, Whether you're a pro or a beginner... detoxing is for everyone. Below are 10 reasons you want to jump on the detox train...

Our 2020 Secret Weapon
Happy Holiday's from all of our here at Higher Health. We hope you enjoyed some form of break over the Christmas and New Year period....

Almond Cranberry Christmas Cookies
Looking for a holiday cookie recipe that is easy-to-make, healthy and delicious? Look no further! This fabulous almond cranberry cookie...

Creating long lasting Change:
New year, new you: forget the resolutions and create lasting change instead! How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution,...

Here is a handy Need-to-Know glossary for Sugars & Sweeteners:
Glycaemic index: All carbohydrates break down into sugar once inside the body but the rate that this goes down varies among different...

Constipated?.... Get Your Hormones Moving
Constipated?.... Get Your Hormones Moving Many hesitate to bring up the topic of constipation with their doctor. But constipation is not...

Go! Get out there! Enjoy that green grass or salty sea sand and leave the shoes behind!
For those who know me well, know I am a great advocate for "Earthing". Earthing therapy rests on the intuitive assumption that connecting...

The New Dirty Dozen?!
Hi Everyone, As you all know, I love fresh produce. My plate is typically filled with more vegetables than anything else, and sweet fresh...